Knight to the Third Power

This is about my writing. Feel free to ignore this just like everything else I post about.

So, for the rest of the year, I’ve got my work cut out for me. Until the end of this month, it’s all about finishing Knight Commander. With the recent visit of Abbie and the changes/edits made to the book itself, there’s still about 15,000 words that need to be added in order to get to 90k (typical sci-fi novel length). Add to that, Knightfall (the third book), is now broken up into two, as well, since we were well on our way to hitting the 150k mark on it. Decided to do a second trilogy with the sidekick character, Teri Fisher. So now we have:

The Melissa Knight trilogy:

  • Knight Commander
  • Knight on Hope Station
  • Knightfall

    The Teri Fisher trilogy:

  • Untitled #33 (formerly Knightfall’s second half)
  • Untitled #34
  • Untitled #35

    That’s going to cover six books about the Civil War, and then move right into the Cold War that occurs right afterward.

    The writing schedule is as follows:

    August 1-31: Knight Commander
    September 1-October 31: Knight on Hope Station (currently 34k, needs to be 90k)
    November 1-30: Untitled #33 (NaNoWriMo) (minimum 50k written)
    December 1-31: I didn’t get this far… but probably finishing Knightfall to 90k.

    Oh, and then it’s 2007… crap, time is flying fast.

    Thanks for all the words of encouragement.

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      • sleepysluggo on August 5, 2006 at 01:43

      I won’t be seeing you in November, will I?

      • bekki_n on August 5, 2006 at 01:46

      Wow! Definitely got your work cut out for you – good luck with it 🙂

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