
Interesting email in my inbox this evening. While I was sleeping, I received a message from the manager of the Yahoo NOC Tier 2 group, who found my resume on HotJobs (a Yahoo site) and wanted to know if I would be interested in interviewing for a position with his group. I replied back with my interest, because things here at are a bit too slippery for my tastes.

It’s not that I don’t like working here, but I’ve been promised conversion since September, and they’ve not been coming through at all. I understand the problems behind purchasing a company. The HR department is in a serious state of flux and sometimes things drop through the cracks. But that was nearly a year ago and for something like this to take nearly four months is inexcusable. Due to eBay’s policy of not renewing contracts at my level, and the fact that no offer has been extended, since I’m jobless as of December 20th, I have little choice but to put my resume out there and see who’s interested.

The fact that Yahoo actually sent me something and not a contracting firm is a big plus. I replied back with my interest and hopefully it’ll lead to something lucrative. As for the clock’s ticking. They’ve got until the 19th or someone else makes me an attractive offer.

I’m not holding my breath.

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