Not too much to really tell about this week, other than I was glad to had finally completed all of the major assignments that needed completing on Monday night, almost into Tuesday morning. Let’s hear it for procrastination! I’m horrible about finishing my homework on time, yet there are times when I can do my homework way ahead of schedule and feel freed of having to do it. I don’t know what I would do without pressure sometimes. But I’m pretty happy to see that I’ve made it somewhat consistantly to week eight without dropping a single class. In previous quarters, I would lose focus and have to drop. So since today was /the/ last day to drop with a W, that means I’m in it for the long haul. Which is good. I need these 19 units so I can finally be declared a freaking sophomore! I’ve already registered for fall quarter, and next Monday morning, I’ll register for summer quarter (10 units), to help get some of the crappy GE courses out of the way.
Tomorrow, I start researching my second term paper for history, while also completing the Japanese homework and hopefully getting a start on Math homework so I don’t have to worry about getting it done on Tuesday night. Or at least, get enough of both done tomorrow that I don’t stress too much about it Monday night. Not to mention, I still have my final in Philosophy to get done, too. I’ve decided to visit a Buddhist temple to write about my experience with… oh, that reminds me, I still need to check my grade for my most recent essay. It was on Christianity, and I gladly shared my views with my family over lunch the next day. That went over like a fart in church, but at least they know where I stand. Maybe I’ll post my essay up here, maybe not.