To start in on Gunbuster, I’d need to talk about Ken Lau, first. Ken was someone I’d met while working at Acer America back in 1995; we both worked the grave shift in the technical support department, though he was in a smaller group that handled online requests, while I was in a larger group …
Tag: graveyard shift
Feb 09 2011
Back to the Field
After a few months off from playing, I’m happy to report that I’m finally going to return to Twin Creeks as part of a new corporate team!
Jul 23 2008
The Summer So Far…
I know I haven’t really posted anything lately. I sort of fell out of the habit of blogging, and things have been a little hectic as of late. Needles to say, I’m not entirely certain who knows what, but Julia and I have had a rather interesting summer so far. Read on if you should …
Apr 23 2008
Netflix’ing the Night away…
Like most new toys, one plays with them pretty incessantly upon arrival. Christmas morning growing up, I think once all the presents were opened, the rest of the day was battle between parent and child, over getting ready for the family dinner and playing with the new toys. Well shit, folks, you gave me the …