“You know, there are some words I’ve known since I was a schoolboy: ‘With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.’ Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie as wisdom and warning. The first time any man’s freedom …
Tag: wingnut
Feb 07 2011
Sorkie? Sorkinite? Sorkinista? Doesn’t matter, I’m a total Sorkin fanboy…
Aaron Sorkin is writing a new show, for HBO. Read all about right here (from TV Guide’s Scott Huver). This has me excited in a way that I haven’t felt about an upcoming TV show, since the production of Studio 60 was announced in early 2006. Not to mention that I think Sorkin could really …
Dec 08 2010
It’s Bigger on the Inside
Yesterday’s prompt was about Guilty Pleasures, and I missed that one, so I’m going to take care of that with tonight’s post. When I think of what I consider to be a guilty pleasure is something that I like but I’m embarrassed to admit. The problem with that is that I’m unabashed at proclaiming my …
Jul 23 2008
The Summer So Far…
I know I haven’t really posted anything lately. I sort of fell out of the habit of blogging, and things have been a little hectic as of late. Needles to say, I’m not entirely certain who knows what, but Julia and I have had a rather interesting summer so far. Read on if you should …
Jun 19 2007
Meme Alert: ganked from <lj user=”aeire”>
1. My username is _____ because ____.2. My journal is titled ____ because ____.3. My subtitle is ____ because ____.4. My friends page is called ____ because ____.5. My default userpic is ____ because ____. Um… hmm… I chose because it’s actually my username for a couple of hosts I run, and it was available …
Dec 05 2006
I picked up a portable 250gb drive last week and proceeded to offload a whole mess of stuff from the laptop and game machine over to it. Mostly media, like music and video, especially my iPod video versions of some DVDs I own (The West Wing, The Office) and iTunes-purchased stuff. I ended up clearing …
Aug 07 2005
Meme Alert: Ganked from everywhere
10 years ago: 19 years old, I was already working for Acer America as a technical support engineer; I was just about to be promoted to the online services department. Five years ago: 24 years old, I don’t know it yet, but my marriage is about to be over and I’m in Hawai’i with my …
Aug 06 2005
Writing Update
Minor movement on Knight Commander, mostly plot stuff. Started a plot outline for Untitled #26, which is my salute to the West Wing, Hope Station-style 🙂 I won’t actually write it until I finish Knight Commander’s chapter ten.
Jul 12 2005
Even though I’m a liberal…
I’m typically not a fan of Arianna Huffington, but she wrote this interesting piece on The West Wing. It’s worth a read.
Jul 07 2005
AX2K5: Days Three and Four!
Because of the very late night, there was yet another late wake-up the next day. We rolled out of the beds at around noon-ish, in time to head back to the dealer’s room and check out the whole thing (because the day before it was a cursory appearance). Jenn took off, Jody went to go …
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