Tag: softball

Game One Recap

We played our first game last night, and even though we didn’t win, I thought it went pretty well.  For a team that hadn’t practiced together ever, this was quite the learning experience for my teammates and I.

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Back to the Field

After a few months off from playing, I’m happy to report that I’m finally going to return to Twin Creeks as part of a new corporate team!

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In Lieu of Softball

Those of you who follow my Twitter account may have noticed that I’ve been trying to workout in the offseason.  During the spring and summer months, I absolutely love playing softball.  The weekly games of swinging a bat and playing the field really sheds the pounds as I try to be the fastest guy in …

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Fighting to Stay Awake

Today was a pretty busy day at work, and I started feeling a little tired at around 3pm.  I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night, for some reason.  I’m not sure if my fatigue was due to not enough sleep, too much work, one meal so far that day, or perhaps a …

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Workout Update

So far, it looks like I might be falling behind on the working out thing.  With relation to my sleep schedule, last night I went to sleep way early because I kept nodding off in my desk chair.  Not to mention that throughout the day, I was trying really hard not to nod off at …

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Softball News

The late night softball game did not help my fatigue today.  I felt like a zombie, blowing through calls and closing cases out.  But anyway, I wanted to talk about my line from last night, because it’s a crazy one: 1 hit in 1 at-bat.  3 runs batted in.  3 bases on balls (walks).  4 …

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For the past couple of nights, I’ve kind of been finding myself staying up late into the morning hours.  I often find myself still awake and not really able to go to sleep.  I haven’t changed much to my routine, but it kind of feels like the same sleeping pattern I fell into when I …

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Olympic Fever, Baby!

Every year since I could remember, my family and I have always watched the Olympics. Since the 1980 games in Moscow, I can recall sitting in my family room and enjoying the competition of the worlds’ athletes every four years (until 1992, when they started staggering the Winter Games). I never miss out. My favorites …

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