Things I’ll remember from 2007: – The New England Patriots choking hard in the AFC Championship and Tom Brady walking off the field, refusing to congratulate the Colts like a man. Of course, that’s ancient history now that they’re 16-0… but I’m still pulling for another choke in the playoffs. – Punch an’ Pie starting …
Tag: webcomics
Feb 25 2007
New Webcomic
For those of you not in the know, Aeire is teaming up with Chris Daly and premiering their collaboration and sequel to Queen of Wands in the form of Punch an’ Pie. I guess I’ll have to break my own rule of only browsing four webcomics at any given time in order to fit it …
Jun 19 2005
Birthday Presents to Myself
I’ve been sitting here re-reading through Something Positive and Queen of Wands… and I stumbled across this: How in the blue fuck did I miss this the first 5 times around? Oh my god, I almost lost control over my bodily functions laughing so fucking hard at this. I must have either skipped this …
Mar 11 2005
Because I no longer have Queen of Wands to read every week…
… I have delcared Questionable Content to be my new fourth webcomic. If I start reading more than four, it will melt my brain, and if I read less than four, it will make my brain too idle. I promise that when starts up a new comic, I will sacrifice Sinfest or GU. Anyway, go …
Feb 22 2005
Jya ne, Queen of Wands…
Queen of Wands I stumbled upon Queen of Wands while clicking on links from Randy’s Something Positive site. It was one of those late nights at work when you’re looking for something to read after all your usual webcomics finished updating, and based on some of the comments I had seen within the ultra-glamorous livejournal …
Dec 03 2004
A quick post about webcomics…
This seems to be a week of just awesomeness in two of the webcomics I read. First, goes and OWNS everyone with seven new comics in a 24 hour period. Then, OWNS everyone with a single comic. Go read S*P. Go read QoW. Then go read today’s websnark about Something*Positive. And then… go read yesterday’s …
Jan 19 2003
Something Positive
There’s been something of a deluge of web-based comics out there lately. It used to be really cool when it was just UserFriendly and perhaps only a handful of others. And I recall exactly how cool it was to read Megatokyo for the first time ever waaaay back in the day. But then you suddenly …