Increasing Fees

From an email received today:

“The Governor and Legislature have increased fees for community college students to $12 per quarter unit beginning Fall Quarter 2003. Students who have registered for Fall Quarter classes at Foothill College and have already paid fees will be sent a bill for the additional amount.”

I’m currently signed up for eighteen units, which means instead of paying $126 for the quarter, I’m now paying $216 per quarter. While this is a pretty irritating increase, I guess after attending for many years, now, it was bound to happen. I just wish it would happen not quite after I get done paying for all my fees, because now I’m paying an additional $90 to the school just because the state governor mishandled the budget. Feh, I can’t really get too mad at California’s Governor, as despite all of this bullshit, I actually feel sorry for the guy about this recall business. If they do recall him, I hope that lawyer in San Francisco is successful with his lawsuit. After all, if the Governor is unable to serve, then the Lieutenant Governor should step in. Let’s keep in within the party.

In other news, I’ve been pretty much working to get JTAF onto its own site. I’m also trying to set up the neomail web client so that everyone on the domains can use their mail aliases appropriately. I might have to really work my own personal sysadmin mojo a bit in order to get it to work, but that’s a good learning tool for me. Next thing on my agenda is to market the shit out of the con. (Hey , isn’t this your backyard? I could use some help if you’re free that weekend ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, working now on getting some sort of T-Shirt design for use by the con, and reworking the design of the flyer for distribution this week. Also, looking into advertising space in some of the local periodicals (Campbell Reporter, Palo Alto Times) for a small ad a weekend or two before the actual date. Right now, I’m just obssesed with getting flyers out there. Everyone I’ve talked to have not even heard of the convention, which is bad with only 40 days before the con actually starts.

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    • aiko on August 4, 2003 at 18:16

    Wow, you’re involved all over the place!

    ♥ Yes yes, I’ve been going to Japantown twice a week, &I plan on attending JTAF, so I will be here to serve when you need me!

    Yes, everytime I ask people about JTAF, they’re like, “What’s that?” Even Japantown HARDLY advertises it — ONE store (Japan Video) that I’ve been to had a half-sheet “flyer.”

    • jetblack on August 4, 2003 at 18:22

    I know. I’m working on that, quickly. Add me to AIM (BFH 00). ๐Ÿ™‚

    — ZC

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