I had a job interview today at a construction company for the position of IT analyst. They’re not the biggest company and have only 25 workstations total, but it was an interesting proposition to listen to. The problem with that job was the lack of hours, and I don’t think they could afford me at part-time rates, which would be my full-time doubled. Since it was hourly, there’s a little more flexibility, and there’s no on-call or overtime involved. IT just isn’t mission critical for them. I checked their website before I went in to the interview, and I got a server unavailable error. I let them know and they shrugged and said it wasn’t important to them. Oh, well… definitely not your typical reation to IT problems from where I come from, but this isn’t an IT company.
When I got home from the interview, I had a voicemail on the phone from a recruiter for another firm who’s looking for experienced NOC people. Hey, that’s me! So I left a voicemail on the recruiter’s phone, and let them know I was available immediately. I’m wondering which company it’s for. On top of that, I spoke with my buddy Jason, and he was telling me about another possible opportunity locally, for a mail software startup (sort of an anti-spam thing).
It was after all this that I realized that if I wanted to make money, I was going to either have to have someone rich die and leave me all their money, win the state lottery, or continue to work in the IT industry. This blows.