And Congratulations to the Boston Red Sox!

Whipped out with the Berman-style fellatio for this one. However, I think Andy Benard said it best: “In your face, sucker!”

Folks, not only did my Tribe win Game 2, but they did it in the 11th on a 7 run inning off of Eric fucking Gagne. Poetic justice for all those years of facing him when he was wearing Dodger blue. My, how the mighty have fallen.

Suck it, Red Sox. Suck it hard. See you in Cleveland.

Bring lots of insect repellent. Those bugs sure love the taste of failure.

It’s going to be a Tribe/Rockies world series. Tribe will win it in 6.


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    • dlobok on October 13, 2007 at 23:37

    Knowing the Sox lost fills me with glee.

    • agentsteel53 on October 13, 2007 at 23:57

    hey, add me… despite the fact that you root for a colossally, morally, mathematically wrong team… you still seem awesome.

    Red Sox in 6!

    • anonymous on October 14, 2007 at 18:59

    Ahem… YOUR Tribe? I thought you were a Giants fan, you baseball bigamist! You’re not allowed to root for two teams at once, that’s baseball bigamy!

    And I’m not just saying that because you told my team to suck it hard 😉


    • jetblack on October 14, 2007 at 22:53

    Dude, I’ve been a Tribe fan since my dad taught me baseball. That is his primary fandom. 🙂 If you didn’t root for Cleveland in my house…

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