Beyond the fact that this is an even-numbered year and I think it’s time that the Giants emerge victorious as the World Series Champions, I’m also going to be turning forty in June. So, while the Giants are duking it out in the National League West in the heat of the summer sun, I will (hopefully) be celebrating with friends and family to usher in the new era of my life…
Holy shit, it’s weird to see that in writing.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing what 2016 holds. I’m going to try and put more thoughts down in this blog, which has been pretty dormant for a number of years. I’m hoping to put in some time and some discipline to seeing how far I can get. I’m going to be following a list of daily prompts courtesy of’s Daily Post. I’m kind of ignoring today’s prompt to do the setup on this renewal.
I’m not looking for any interaction, either. I mean, it’s cool if someone wants to comment, but mostly I’m just going to use this to express myself a little and talk about shit that interests me. Y’know, the usual typical self-absorbed garbage that makes up most blogs.
Enjoy, and happy new year!