Monday, Monday… guh. I guess it doesn’t really matter what kind work starts on… it’ll always feel like a Monday to me. When I worked weekends and my first day was a Friday, Friday became like Monday to me. And what sucked about working weekend for me was the fact that I had to go to work while all of my buddies were getting off for the weekend (except those who worked retail). Anyway, let’s talk more about this Monday…
Wow, so another Monday has befallen me and I did not wake up early to write. I think it just makes it difficult to switch my sleeping schedule so dramatically between getting up at 4am and then sleeping in during the weekend. I spent a majority of the weekend working on manipulating WordPress enough to suit my purposes and so far, I’ve been pretty pleased with the result. I’ve got a majority of my plugins installed for easier administration and cross-posting to livejournal. Apparently, not all of you are going to be commenting on WP, so I may have to keep the LJ (in basic mode) and cross-post to it. I just don’t want to give LJ any more money from now on, I’m sure all of you understand.
And if any of you are looking to make the same move as I did, let me know. I’m pretty good with the WP-fu right now.
Today’s been pretty busy, for the most part. I think I was opening tickets straight through the first couple of hours and then we had this brief lull during lunch. At 2pm, the east coast is off the clock, and the calls dwindle down pretty significantly. I’ve been chatting with Terra and Nonny and Pet over at Author’s Abode, discussing writing as usual. I missed hanging about with all of them since Evolution Writers kind of went on permanent hiatus. I forgot how cool it was to just sit and chat about writing all day and into the morning. Now I really miss having a grave shift because then I could really stay up all night and meet up with them in the early morning hours.
I broke 19k words on my NaNoWriMo novel. I’ll post a new word count thingy, later.
Now playing on iTunes: Corinne Bailey Rae – Another Rainy Day