Interview meme… from <lj user=”new_world_smurf”>

1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.” Or something along those lines.

2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.

4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. Where’d you come up with the screen name of Cochrane?
Cochrane is the name of my administrative character on a game called Where No One Has Gone Before. I learned about livejournal through some of the players who frequent that game. Cochrane is the surname of Zefram Cochrane, the inventor of the warp drive.

2. Why do you insist that you can get good pizza in San Jose?
Because I’ve lived in San Jose for almost thirty years, and I’ve had over sixty different varieties of pizza in the Bay Area alone. I’ve also eaten pizza in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Washington D. C., and El Paso. Round Table kicks all of their asses. Of course, it helps to know that my yardstick for pizza is simple: sauce, cheese, and dough. I don’t care about toppings, but is a place can make a good plain ol’ cheese pizza, then they’ve got the good stuff.

3. If Barry Bonds should break Hank Aaron’s record, should there be an asterisk next to the number?
No. I think asterisks are bullshit and nothing more than pandering. I argued long and hard against Maris’ asterisk, since it was nothing more than Frick pandering to Ruth’s fans, in spite of the fact that Maris was a Yankee. The game’s parameters change every season, so if you asterisk one record, you’ve got to do it to them all based on that logic. Should Ichiro’s record be asterisked because Sisler’s record was from anoher era, when they played less games? If this is entirely about the use of steroids, then really we need to start looking at the whole picture: Should Canseco’s awards be asterisk’ed? Should we give those awards to the runner-up? Revisionism never works, and operating in reverse only hurts the future. Baseball’s trying to make sweeping changes to a policy gone long ignored, and just as the problem developed over time, the solutions are not going to be any swifter.

4. Related to that–is there any current major leaguer that you believe has a shot of catching Aaron other than Bonds?
Sammy Sosa, maybe, if he stays healthy and ramps up the HRs around 60+ in the next 3 seasons. But I think that in about ten years it’ll be A-Rod, with all honesty. He’s 29, he’s got almost 400 HRs already. If he has a few more 50+ HR seasons, he could nab 700 by the time he’s 40 and make a run for the record like Bonds will when he returns from the DL.

5. What reason did thepandamancan withdraw his application to write for Baseball Bias?
He felt he couldn’t make his assignment in on time and decided to try his application at a later date.

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    • deathbytamarind on May 24, 2005 at 10:51


    • new_world_smurf on May 24, 2005 at 10:56

    Excellent answers. Return ze interview, s’il vous plait.

    • jetblack on May 24, 2005 at 11:04

    Pretty tough, since it’s not like I don’t already know you πŸ˜› So…

    1. Which one of my written fiction pieces did you like the best and why?

    2. Read my response to question number 4. Do you agree? Why or why not?

    3. A. J. and Swish or Noah and Tomko?

    4. Out of all the places we’ve seen ballgames, which section did you like the most at PBP?

    5. [Classified]?

    — ZC

    • jetblack on May 24, 2005 at 11:09

    I figured you’d like my admission about A-Rod πŸ™‚

    1. Name your cats, and tell me how you came to name them so.

    2. How did you meet your Papa Smurf, and name three of his most attractive qualities.

    3. Are you running into any problems in coming up with articles to write about the Astros? πŸ™‚

    4. What would do you for a Klondike Bar?

    5. If given the means to live exactly how you please, describe a typical day in this life.

    — ZC

    • deathbytamarind on May 24, 2005 at 11:09

    1. Which one of my written fiction pieces did you like the best and why?

    I like the Hope Station stuff. I haven’t read a lot of your stuff because I’m just lazy.

    2. Read my response to question number 4. Do you agree? Why or why not?

    I agree to A-Rod, not Sammy. A-Rod has youth and consistency on his side. Sammy has controversy following him wherever he goes. I hate A-Rod but he has the best shot at it.

    Before Griffey fell apart I thought he’d do it, but that’s not gonna happen for him now.

    3. A. J. and Swish or Noah and Tomko?

    You know what, I’d rather just watch the fur fly when AJ found out about me and No and Tomko. Because you know AJ’s a jealous whore. πŸ˜€ Drama is fun.

    4. Out of all the places we’ve seen ballgames, which section did you like the most at PBP?

    Field club level. I like being close to the action.

    5. [Classified]?

    Scene missing.

    I’ll put up this interview thingy probably tomorrow. I’m gonna get flooded with requests. Heh.

    • new_world_smurf on May 24, 2005 at 12:17

    1. Sebastian–originally named Sarah because when I got him he was so tiny his balls hadn’t come in yet. When they did, my niece named him after the crab in “The Little Mermaid.”

    Meg–she was named that when we got her.

    Puck–lofty story–from the character in “A Midsummer’s Night Dream.” True story–when we brought him home, he curled up on the kitchen floor in a little black circle. Sebastian promptly whacked him across the floor. Ergo, Puck.

    Mariah–named after Mariah Carey by the same niece who named Sebastian because when she was tiny she screamed like a banshee.

    Jasmine–named after a cat I had many years ago.

    Tiger–Clark wanted to call him Kobe, but it became clear pretty quickly that he was Tiger.

    Smoky–Clark named him. I wanted to call him Sam. Usually we call him the Smokester.

    Tasha–no particular reason, I just liked the name.

    2. He took classes with a co-worker of mine and used to come into where I was working, and eventually he asked me out. He is very sweet and very hard-working and he lets me be me.

    3. Yes. I have a Ryan vs. Clemens thing and “dumbasses should have paid Beltran” article, after that all I can say is “God, they suck.” I should have the Yankees beat simply due to AGE, man.

    4. Nothing. I don’t like Klondike bars.

    5. Pretty much how I live now, except for not working.

    • jetblack on May 24, 2005 at 13:14

    Is that your finger in the icon? πŸ™‚

    — ZC

    • leethaithbetht on May 24, 2005 at 18:35

    I’m fairly new, but interview me, dammit.

    • jetblack on May 24, 2005 at 18:45

    Five questions, here we go!

    1. Name three cities you’d want to live in (except DC), and why.

    2. If you could make one front office decision on behalf of your favorite NFL team, what would it be and why?

    3. As a fellow late twenty-something, do teenagers now annoy the crap out of you?

    4. What is the origin of your name, bonitachickita, other than the Spanish inference?

    5. Name six things you could never live without.

    — ZC

    • leethaithbetht on May 24, 2005 at 19:49


    1. Name three cities you’d want to live in (except DC), and why.

    Chicago, New York of San Francisco. Chicago I love just because there’s so much to do there. And you don’t have to have a car. I like that. New York because I always want to live there after I watch Sex and the City. I highly doubt my life there would be that exciting, though. San Francisco – I’ve never been, but I’ve seen pictures from friends, and it looks beautiful, so – yeah.

    2. If you could make one front office decision on behalf of your favorite NFL team, what would it be and why?

    I would fire Steve Mariucci’s dumb ass for trying to re-create 49er glory by bringing old washed up has beens to a new place to continue to suck. He needs to start working with what he has instead of looking elsewhere for everything.

    3. As a fellow late twenty-something, do teenagers now annoy the crap out of you?

    Not only do teenagers annoy the crap out of me, I find them to be quite scary. Aside from the fact that I could totally kick any of their scrawny asses, they congregate in ways that I find to be generally unsafe to the public at large. My roommate and I went to the mall the other day to go to Linens N Things. There was a small militia of ghetto thugs hanging out by the entrance to the mall. On the way out, I ran for the car and pulled it up to the front so we could load the stuff in the car. Wouldn’t you know they were nice enough to help me put the stuff in there, and not one of them tried to steal my car or purse?! A miracle, I tell you.

    4. What is the origin of your name, bonitachickita, other than the Spanish inference?

    There is absolutely nothing Spanish about me – I’m about as Anglo as they come. I wish there was some great story behind it, but there’s not. I stole it from someone. πŸ™‚

    5. Name six things you could never live without.

    1. My XM Satellite radio
    2. Cable sports channels
    3. Tha interweb
    4. Biting wit and sarcasm
    5. Laughter
    6. I was gonna say money here, but I do okay without that now, so I’ll just say… Apple Juice. It’s my most fave thing ever.

    • jetblack on May 24, 2005 at 20:41

    LOL. πŸ™‚ You’re supposed to put this in your LJ. πŸ™‚

    — ZC

    • backroomdealer on May 24, 2005 at 21:47

    I’m a sucker. Ask me these questions three (five, sir!).

    • asaneboo_cloud on May 24, 2005 at 23:12

    watashi! watashi! =P heheheh

    • sleepysluggo on May 25, 2005 at 11:16

    Me! Me!

    • jetblack on May 25, 2005 at 12:28

    1. A mad scientist with a kind heart drops in on you one day. He has built a fully functioning time machine, but it only goes in reverse and will cease operating after the third jump. Would you use the time machine, and if so, what three dates or years would you visit in receding order and why?

    2. What three movies are you definitely going to see this year?

    3. If you could add another language to your repetoire, which one would it be and why?

    4. What’s the most annoying thing about being left-handed?

    5. What do you do with a drunken sailor so early in the morn?

    — ZC

    • jetblack on May 25, 2005 at 12:30

    1. Name six things you cannot live without.

    2. What is the first thing you will do when we get down to Anime Expo?

    3. What was the last book you read?

    4. Why haven’t you watch Gokusen, yet?

    5. What would you do for a Klondike bar?

    — ZC

    • jetblack on May 25, 2005 at 12:32

    1. If you could dye your hair any color, what color would it be and why?

    2. What do you consider your signature color to be and why?

    3. If a movie was made based on your life, and you had any choice of actor to portray you, who would it be?

    4. If Chris Noth asked you out, describe the perfect evening with him.

    5. Who would win in a catfight: Abby Carmichael or Claire Kincaid?

    — ZC

    • backroomdealer on May 25, 2005 at 13:49


    • deathbytamarind on May 25, 2005 at 15:34

    Hay we should go to the Friday night Pads game cos I said so.

    We can discuss later.

    • doctorzbornak on May 25, 2005 at 17:59


    • jetblack on May 26, 2005 at 11:12

    1. Are you looking forward to BWE2005?

    2. Do you think Ray Durham will diss Tap again?

    3. You win five million dollars. Name ten things you would do immediately after getting paid.

    4. Returning the favor: describe your dream guy.

    5. If you could choose a seat at PBP, where would your season tickets be?

    — ZC

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