Tag: politics

With apologies to Aaron Sorkin…

California tells Governator: “Take your legislative agenda and shove it up your ass.” Although I would have loved to see 79 and 80 pass, I’ll take a no on all (especially 73) instead. Way to go, voters! This was a complete waste of time and money.

Special Elections…

I wasn’t able to get down to San Jose to cast my vote today. Mostly because I couldn’t afford to, but I’m hoping that in my absence, the rest of the citizenry will have to do the best without me. For the record, though, I would have voted no on 73-78 and yes on 79 …

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Dear Youth Voters…

Less than one in ten voters were youth voters, in spite of the massive youth voter registration that happened earlier this year. Less than one! That means either all of you fucks were dwarves or you guys were lazy assholes and stayed home to play video games. If the number had been higher , I …

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Rant: Same-Sex Marriages

Now, I don’t want to get off on a rant, here*, but defining marriage is about as necessary as a five-assed monkey. President Bush declared in a sound byte heard on the news every thirty minutes while driving that he will support the legislation on a Constitutional Amendment defining marriage as a union between a …

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So much for that campaign…

Clark Formally Exits Presidential Race Wesley Clark’s platform, for the most part, appeared to be pretty alligned to my own. I could appreciate the man’s military experience tempered by a sense of realism. There was no way Clark would change the system completely, but he could put a little perspective that would have been appreciated …

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