Meme Alert: Ten Layer Goodness (ganked from <lj user=”dlobok”>)

Name: Michael Daniel Garcia
Birthdate: June 19, 1976
Birthplace: Santa Clara, California
Current location: San Jose, California
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Jet Black
Height: 5’9″
Righty or Lefty: Lefty
Zodiac Sign: Gemini


Your heritage: Mexican/Spanish/French
Your weakness: chocolate and a sexy ass.
Your shoes you wore today: Black dress shoes.
Your fears: Spiders and the other shoe dropping.
Your perfect pizza: Ham, extra cheese, extra sauce from Round Table.
Goals you’d like to achieve: Finish writing my novel.


Your thoughts first waking up: *smile*
Your best physical feature: Five of six girlfriends agree: My ass.
Your bedtime: Midnight-ish.
Your most missed memory: If it was missed, wouldn’t it technically be forgotten?


Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi.
McDonald’s or Burger King: Jack in the Box.
Single or group dates: Single.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Either.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Tea


Smoke: No.
Cuss: Yes.
Sing: Yes.
Take showers daily: Yes.
Have a crush: Yes.
Think you’ve been in love: Yes.
Want to go to college: Yes.
Believe in yourself: Yes.
Get motion sickness: No.
Think you’re attractive: No.
Think you’re a health freak: No.
Get along with your parents: Yes.
Like thunderstorms: Sort of.
Play an instrument: Yes (Sax)

Layer.six: – in the past 6 months

Gone to the mall: Yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: No.
Eaten sushi: NO.
Been on stage: No.
Gone skating: No
Made homemade cookies: Yes.
Gone skinny dipping: No.
Dyed your hair: No.
Stolen anything: No. – ever..

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No.
Been called a tease: Yes.
Got beaten up: No.


Age you hoped to be married: Yes.
Number and name of children: -5.
How do you want to die: Remembered.
Where do you want to attend college: San Francisco State.
Dream job: Either Novelist or Randy’s agent of doom.
Country you want to visit: England, Japan, Austrailia.

Layer.nine: – In a guy/girl…

Best eye color: Brown.
Best hair color: Any color but Blonde.
Short or long hair: Either.
Height: Any.
Best weight: Any.
Best clothing: Any.
Best first date location: Vista Point, North Shore of the Golden Gate.
Best first kiss location: Lips.


Number of drugs taken illegally: Zero.
Number of people I could trust with my life: Five.
Number of CDs: Too many.
Number of piercings: Zero.
Number of tattoos: Zero.
Number of times my name’s been in the news: Zero.
Number of scars on my body: Two.
Number of things in my past that I regret: One.

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