Tag: star trek

WNOHGB… GUI-style?

http://www.startrekonline.com/devlog/ It’s coming, folks. Be there or… don’t, I guess.

Meme Alert: Friday Five

1. If you could, would you be a movie star or a rock star? Which one, and why? I think I would probably be a rock star, because I prefer music to drama. 🙂 2. Have you ever been in the media (TV, radio, papers)? Yes. I was and currently am on the radio and …

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Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday to Star Trek! 🙂

Meme Alert: Movies, Music, and Books

Nick Hornby wrote in the book (later, the movie) High Fidelity that politics, and religion aren’t really important in a relationship – that it is the shared likes in movies, music and books that really signal a good relationship. With that in mind, post and answer the following questions. 1) Name a movie that inspires …

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When the Muse Calls Collect, You Gotta Accept the Charges…

I have this new story idea brewing. It’s sci-fi, of course, but I’m trying to ease myself into a semi-contemporary type of manner. It might seem like I’m ripping off Time Trax (that old PTEN TV show), but I’m trying to keep it humor-infused… anyway, I want to post what I wrote, here, and I’d …

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Meme Alert: Ganked from everywhere

10 years ago: 19 years old, I was already working for Acer America as a technical support engineer; I was just about to be promoted to the online services department. Five years ago: 24 years old, I don’t know it yet, but my marriage is about to be over and I’m in Hawai’i with my …

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Meme stolen from <lj user=”dloblok”>

10 Things I Would Tell My 18-Year Old Self 1. You are about to experience six years of emotional pain and trauma. Endure it. It’ll make you a better man at 24 than you would have been without it. 2. That Rhea girl you’re seeing now? She doesn’t love you and probably never did. Stop …

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Sayonara watashi no WNOHGB

Read the announcement about WNOHGB closing. Back in 1998, a group of friends got together to design and build an online text game centered around Star Trek. We called it Where No One Has Gone Before and it survived for over seven years of the past sixteen that I’ve participated in online text-based games. Yesterday …

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Whoa… everything’s using Atom or RSS, huh?

My FanFiction.net account has an Atom feed. You can see it here. It’s nothing but Trek fics, and unless you’re a WNOHGB’er, you probably won’t have any interest in it.

Fandom Meme (ganked from someone else)

1. Post a list of fandoms. 2. Have your friends list guess your favourite character from each one. (If there’s more than one favourite character, they will be indicated in brackets) 3. When guessed right, bold the line and include the character name and why you like them. 1) Buffy the Vampire Slayer [2] 2) …

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